
Professionals in this field provide information to the general public as well as to specific businesses, industries, or groups of people. Information professionals not only provide information, whether hard copy or electronic, but they also organize and store it. Traditionally this would be in a library but now that technology has hugely increased the ways that information can be stored, retrieved, and organized, job roles have changed too.

The information must be delivered at the right time, in the right place, and in the right format now more than ever. This is especially true in the legal, financial, and scientific/medical communities, where regulations and economic pressure make aggregation and delivery more difficult. It's no wonder why four of the top 10 information services companies rely on us for IT services and support

Our Business Information Services group has extensive expertise in helping providers find new ways to organize, package and distribute services. It's no wonder why four of the top 10 information services companies rely on us for IT services and support


Data Collection, Processing and Reporting
Our solutions include :

  • Data Management: From data collection and cleansing to reporting tools and automation
  • Data Mining: Includes cross tabs, data pulls, Excel/PowerPoint charts
  • Analytics Support: Includes quantitative and qualitative research, forecasting, segmentation and targeting, concept test, dashboards and delivery tools, online survey programming and data warehousing/business intelligence
  • Credit and Financial Information

Archiving and records management
Archives are collections of valuable information that must be preserved for the future. Records management is a similar field of work, but tends to refer to the information of a particular organization, and deals with the disposal as well as the maintenance of records.

An index is a list, usually in alphabetical order, used to make finding themes or subjects in a book easier. Although indexes are now often produced by computers, there is still a demand for them to be compiled by qualified professionals. Learn about the benefits of a human-produced index.

Information management and information science
We generate huge amounts of information in many different forms and for many reasons. As technology allows us to find out more, access more, and be able to access information in many locations and formats, professionals work behind the scenes to collect, analyze, organize and retrieve information.

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